Everyone - Hello! And Thank you for stopping by. I have spent the better part of today thinking about something to say that would be really cool. Something bright. Something Intelligent. Something uplifting. Something Inspirational. But after all the deliberations, pacing the floor, the mountain of balled up scratch paper sitting in a pile near my bed, and steam coming out my ears. I came up with this...

... Thank you for coming and good night! LOL, I'm just kidding.

No. But really, I just want to take this opportunity to thank God first and foremost for the talent and ability he's blessed me with to reach this milestone, without him none of this would have been possible. Second, I would like to recognize someone who inspired and believed in me. Someone who saw my potential, when I didn't see it myself. He always told me, "To go to detention!" LOL, just kidding. He said, "to go for what I know, to succeed in life, and never procrastinate on your dreams." Then he would say, "Now go to detention!" He was my late Art Teacher, Mr. Terrance Starr of Fremont High School. Mr. Starr an artist in his own right always reminded his students, "that the only person that stands in the way of my success is us." He would often kid that when you get in your own way, sometimes you would have to kick yourself in the butt, and tell yourself to do better. At the time I didn't understand all this, but looking back now I do.

Third, I would like to acknowledge all my friends, family, acquaintences, enemies, basically whatever your role was in my life that helped push me to get to this place. Thank you!

As not to bore your patience any longer, please feel free to look around. I have to admit my website is a lot like me somewhat of an enigma. However, I think Depeche Mode said it best in one of their songs from the Violator CD, "Let me show you the world through my eyes..."